Gifthealth Makes a Generous Contribution

Gift Health Makes a Generous Donation to the Sojourn Project

[Columbus, OH]— IMPACT Community Action is providing hope, following a generous holiday gift.  Gift Health, a growing start up with headquarters in Columbus Ohio donated to the Sojourn Workforce Development Program in a big way for the holidays. The donation of toys for 40 children, will be distributed to the children of participants in the Sojourn Program.

“Every donation counts. We appreciate Gift Health and their contribution. There will be a child with joy because of their team’s thoughtfulness,” Ashlee Abraham, Sojourn Workforce Development Program Manager said.

Sojourn was designed as one of IMPACT Community Action’s intensive workforce development training programs, with a unique focus on addressing the whole person, empowering 20 women with the tools needed to overcome multiple barriers.  Currently the program serves unemployed or underemployed women from across Franklin County who began the journey of self-discovery, accountability, life-planning, and comprehensive barrier removal services. The SOJOURN Women’s Empowerment Program is a transformative program, resulting in employment, concrete pathways out of poverty, and eliminating barriers to self-sufficiency.

“With Christmas just around the corner, we wanted this donation to support the women of the Sojourn Program  so they can make the holiday special for their kids despite the challenges of not working while participating in a workforce development program that gives them better job opportunities,” shared Nick Potts, Gift Health CEO.

According to Columbus, OH data, women are more likely than any other group to attend college or receive an Associate’s degree. Despite their educational attainment, women are still the most likely to live in poverty, making up 24% of Columbus’ poorest residents. The Coronavirus pandemic has put individuals, especially single female heads of households, at an increased risk of falling deeper into poverty. To lift women out of poverty, public and private entities must join forces and implement solutions that address the myriad ways structural and societal racism uniquely burdens women.

“We’re all really grateful for these moments where we can have partners in this work.  Elevating the greater good, and seeing organizations like Gift Health live their core values is an example of what makes Columbus a great place to live and work,” said Bo Chilton, IMPACT Community Action CEO.

Gifthealth is a technology solution built to make it easier for you to access more affordable medications and believe healthcare is a priority, not a privilege. This purpose aligns with IMPACT’s mission to fight poverty and our civic engagement efforts in the community. Visit to learn more information about Gifthealth.

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